Während der True Italian Pasta Week wird ein neues Instagram Contest organisiert, das euch die Geheimnisse der Pasta-Zubereitung zeigen wird. Die True Italian Pasta Week 2023 ist bald da und wir von True Italian möchten euch dazu einladen, euer bestes #HungryFace zu...
On the occasion of the True Italian Pasta Week we’re launching a new Instagram contest that will introduce you to the secrets of pasta-making. The True Italian Pasta Week 2023 is just around the corner and we want you to share your best #HungryFace! Participating in...
The autumn season is nearing and, as unexpected gusts of wind lift the reddening leaves, a new edition of the True Italian Pasta Week is coming. For the 5th edition of the event there will be delicious original recipes ready to be savored in 38 great Italian...
1 week, 32 Italian restaurants, 15€ for a pasta specialty and a drink: the True Italian Pasta Week 2022 is just around the corner. Gnocchi al tegamino with guanciale and walnuts served with taleggio cheese cream; Buckwheat pizzoccheri with dandelion, farm salty...
Haben Sie schon oft von einer Reise nach Italien geträumt? Die bekommen Sie von uns geschenkt! Die True Italian Pasta Week 2021 steht vor der Tür und so wie immer der Wettbewerb von True Italian mit tollen Prämien. Die Teilnahme ist nicht nur einfach sondern vor allem...
Less than two weeks to the beginning of the True Italian Pasta Week! Are you ready to taste the best pasta around Berlin? From the 22nd to the 28th of November, each participating restaurant will present two original recipes of the typical Italian cuisine, offering a...
-2 settimane all’inizio della True Italian Pasta Week! Siete pronti ad assaggiare la miglior pasta di Berlino? Ognuno dei ristoranti che prenderà parte all’evento presenterà, dal 22 al 28 novembre, due ricette originali della tipica cucina italiana, proponendo un...
7 days, 33 Italian restaurants, 14€ for a pasta specialty and a drink: the True Italian Pasta Week 2021 is just around the corner. Lasagne with truffle and pumpkin; Homemade Pizzoccheri with latteria cheese, potatoes, garlic, butter, and pepper; Culurgiones with squid...
Eine Woche, 33 italienische Restaurants, 14 € für eine Portion frische Pasta, ein Getränk und einen Digestif: Die True Italian Pasta Week 2021 steht vor der Tür! Lasagne mit Kürbis und Trüffel, Hausgemachte Pizzoccheri mit Latteria-Käse, Kartoffeln, Knoblauch, Butter...
* written by Irene Diamanti The new workshop organised by True Italian and Pastamadre is the perfect occasion for learning how to make fresh pasta. The fourth Week of Italian Cuisine in the World is going to be celebrated from the 18th to the 24th of November. It is...