Ferragosto is a ‘sacred’ date, a day when all work stops and Italians take a break. But we know that not all foreign countries honour this day, which falls on the 15th of the month, as it is a holiday that was first imposed by the ancient Romans and then...
Das Pistachio Street Food Festival kehrt dieses Jahr wieder nach Berlin zurück! Die dritte Ausgabe des Festivals feiert das weltweit beliebte grüne Gold! Pistazienliebhaber, seid ihr bereit? Das Pistachio Street Food Festival findet dieses Jahr schon zum dritten Mal...
The restaurant Ovest is looking for you as a chef (m/f/d)! Are you looking for a job in Berlin? Restaurant Ovest is looking for a full-time chef with experience in Italian cuisine. Located a few steps away from the Kurfürstendamm, Restaurant West offers traditional...
The Pistachio Street Food Festival 2023 is back with its third edition, celebrating the green gold loved all over the world! Pistachio lovers, are you ready? The Pistachio Street Food Festival returns to Berlin with its third edition, for a weekend dedicated to...
Coppa di Pasta, restaurant in Friedrichshain, is looking for part-time and full-time staff Do you love gastronomy and delicious Italian pasta? Do you like to offer your guests a unique experience and are you looking for a job in Berlin? Then you are in the right...
Mozzarella is one of the best known and most appreciated Italian cheeses in the world. Few people know the story behind its creation, which, like many Italian gastronomic specialities, is rooted in the years. This cheese is, in fact, the result of an ancient process,...
Mozzarella ist eine der weltweit berühmtesten und beliebtesten italienischen Käsesorten. Nur wenige kennen jedoch die Geschichte seiner Entstehung, die, wie es bei zahlreichen anderen kulinarischen Spezialitäten Italiens der Fall ist, auf viele Jahre zurückgeht....
La mozzarella è uno dei formaggi italiani più conosciuti al mondo e più apprezzati. In pochi conoscono la storia della sua nascita, che, come molte specialità gastronomiche italiane, affonda le sue radici negli anni. Questo formaggio è, infatti, frutto di un...
The restaurant Babbo bar is looking for staff from September Job in Berlin, the restaurant Babbo bar in Neukölln is looking for full-time and part-time staff with experience in the Italian catering industry and who are familiar with Italian wines. Prerequisites To...
Berlino, preparati per un altro giro di pizza! Dopo il grande successo del primo True Italian Pizza Street Festival, siamo entusiasti di annunciare la seconda edizione, che si terrà il 15 e 16 luglio. Questa volta, l’evento promette pizza ancora più deliziosa,...
Berlin, get ready for another round of pizza extravaganza! Following the immense success of the first True Italian Pizza Street Festival, we are thrilled to announce the second edition, set to take place on July 15th and 16th. This time, the event promises even more...
Berlin, bereite dich auf eine weitere Runde Pizza-Extravaganza vor! Nach dem großen Erfolg des ersten True Italian Pizza Street Festivals freuen wir uns sehr, die zweite Ausgabe anzukündigen, die am 15. und 16. Juli stattfinden wird. Dieses Mal gibt es noch...
Konfetti, Masken und Späße liegen jetzt hinter uns – der Fasching ist vorbei und Ostern rückt langsam näher. Eine Zeit mit starkem religiösen Bezug, aber auch voller Traditionen, die mit Sitten und Bräuchen des Alltagslebens in Verbindung stehen. Besonders die...
Coriandoli, maschere e scherzi sono ormai alle spalle. Il Carnevale se n’è andato e lentamente si avvicina il periodo pasquale. Un momento con una forte valenza religiosa, ma ricco anche di tante tradizioni e liturgie che colorano usanze e costumi della vita di tutti...
Confetti, masks, and pranks are now behind us. Carnival is over and the Easter season is slowly approaching. It is a time with strong religious significance which is also rich in traditions and liturgies that colour the customs and rituals of everyday life. Above all,...
Der Ferragosto ist ein “heiliges” Datum in Italien, ein Tag, an dem jede Arbeit niedergelegt wird und die Italiener sich eine Pause können. Doch wie wir wissen feiert nicht jedes Land diesen Festtag, der auf den 15. August fällt, denn er wurde erst von den alten...
Il Ferragosto in Italia è una data “sacra”, un giorno in cui qualsiasi attività lavorativa si ferma e gli italiani si concedono un break. Ma sappiamo che non tutti i Paesi stranieri onorano questo giorno, che cade il 15 del mese, in quanto è una data festiva imposta...