Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th
of June 2023
(11-22 both days)
More than 20 Italian Street Food Stands, dj set, karaoke, live music and children entertainment
Osthafen Berlin,
Alt-Stral au 1-2, Friedrichshain
Numbers of Italian Street Food Festival 2023
Food stands
Visitors in 2 days
FB responses
FB reached users
Food stands
18 stands of Italian street food
More than 7.000 people entered the event venue in the two days.
The event has been featured by these media: BZ, Berliner Zeitung, FORUM Das Wochenmagazine, Spreeradio, Berliner Morgenpost, Berliner Kurier, Stimme der Hauptstadt, Creme Guides, Prinz Berlin, Berlin Amateurs, Holy Fruit Salad, Berlin For My Friends, Urbanite, 34c, 030, Canada dayFR, Visit Berlin, I Heart Berlin, Berlin, Rausgegangen, AskHelmut, Paul-Natorp-Gymnasium, Cucine d’Italia, AISE, Mit Vergnügen, Awesome Berlin, CeeCee, Lovin Vegan Food, Gurm Me, Foodies Berlin, What To Eat In Berlin, Berlin Food Ventures, Hungry In Berlin, The_salty_lizzy, Food Place Berlin, Lado Berlin Magazine, Passenger_x_, Marianne Rennella, Feed Me Up Before You Go Go, Stefania Und Berlin, Creezyne, theo_
2021 edition
15 stands of Italian street food
5.000 people entered the event venue in the two days
The event has been featured by these media: B.Z., Gourmetreisen, I Heart Berlin, Berlin Ick Liebe Dir, BerlinMagazin,, VisitBerlin, IlDeutschItalia, Ask Helmut, Gästeliste030, Was geht heute ab, Evensi, AllEvents, MyGuide, Berlin Eventful, ANSA, Agenzia Internazionale Stampa Estero, Umbria Journal, Letra NEWS, Local Advisor Berlin, My Happy Food, Berlin Loves You.
2019 edition
24 stands of Italian street food
6.500 people entered the event venue in the two days
The event has been featured by these media: B.Z., Radio Eins, Radio Fritz, Tagesspiegel Newsletter “Checkpoint”, Berliner Morgenpost, Berlin 030, Berlin Amateurs, Eatler, Early Haver, Il DeutschItalia, Globus Magazine, Cucine d’Italia, Visit Berlin, Berlin Food Stories, Gratis in Berlin, My guide Berlin, Berlin Global, 9colonne, My Sportblog Berlin, AlleEvents, Evensi, Ohhh Berlin, Food in Berlin, Berlin Asian Food, Smamunir, Comer en Berlin, Mitte Bitte.
2018 edition
15 stands of Italian street food
8.000 people entered the event venue in the two days
The event has been featured by these media: B.Z., Radio Eins, Radio Fritz, Tagesspiegel Newsletter “Checkpoint”, Berliner Morgenpost, Berlin 030, Berlin Amateurs, Eatler, Early Haver, Il DeutschItalia, Globus Magazine, Cucine d’Italia, Visit Berlin, Berlin Food Stories, Gratis in Berlin, My guide Berlin, Berlin Global, 9colonne, My Sportblog Berlin, AlleEvents, Evensi, Ohhh Berlin, Food in Berlin, Berlin Asian Food, Smamunir, Comer en Berlin, Mitte Bitte.